“Plantar fasciitis (PLAN-tur fas-e-I-tis)”, according to the Mayo Health Clinic, “is one of the most common causes of heel pain. It involves pain and inflammation of a thick band of tissue, called the plantar fascia, that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes.” While the definition is clear enough, the treatment of ‘Plantar fasciitis’, is a great puzzle and discouragement to many, and they spend considerable time and money trying to deal with it.
From our perspective at the Therapeutic Massage Company, the solution for plantar fasciitis, is not drugs, surgery nor a Boot! There is nothing “broken” or “pathologically wrong” that needs anything other than what a balanced nutrient intake and facilitated return to normal movement will provide. Far from it. The foot, and tissues therein, are just responding to information and conditions of their daily environment.
We have to remember that this condition usually stems from a back, hip, knee or foot which is being favored, and is not moving properly. These ailing parts then transfer their awkwardness to an unnatural gait and a skewed distribution of weight through the 26 bones and three arches of the foot. Really, HERE IS THE PROBLEM: The plantar, or very bottom supportive tissues of the foot are trying to “hold onto, regulate and control” all of the foot all at once. These plantar tissues basically never get a chance to fully relax before the next step begins, and so a generally “tightened state” results.
Then (!), we stick the foot into a shoe for 15 hours a day and Voila, the foot begins to “think” it is not meant by its owner, that’s you, to move the way it was designed.
Most Physical Therapy is of limited value in this “acute” phase.
What needs to happen is some good old fashion T.L.C. (tender loving care) as of all of the tissues right up to and including the hip and back are removed from their position of tension and reeducated into proper movement. The 40+ tightened joints and associated tissues of the plantar surface of the foot … and those leading up to its movement, need to be taken off of the “alert phase”, and a proper course of movement and articulation needs to be reintroduced from the foot all the way up….
And THIS is just what we at the Therapeutic Massage Company are trained and qualified to do!